Health Benefits Of Sleep: 8 Important Reasons You Must Know

Why Is Getting Enough Sleep Important For Health?

Health Benefits Of Sleep
Health Benefits Of Sleep
There are numerous health benefits of getting enough sleep. Sleep is important for your physiological as well as psychological health. Whether you are sleeping with a pillow or without a pillow you should take 7-8 hours of sleep.  

Although, the duration of sleep decreases with age however, no one can ignore the importance of rest and sleep. Sleep may aid in the prevention of many health problems, including depression and heart disease. In fact, getting a good night's sleep is just as important as exercising and eating a well-balanced, nutritious diet. It is essential to prioritize and safeguard your sleep on a daily basis because sleep deprivation can put your health and safety at risk.

The pace of modern life sometimes leaves you with little time to stop and rest. Many time you may feel that it is impossible to get a good night's sleep on a regular basis. 

It may be more difficult for people who work night shifts or on irregular schedules to get enough sleep. Additionally, periods of extreme stress can disrupt our normal sleeping patterns. Sleeping well improves mood, health, and brain function.

How Much Sleep Is Required?

As you get older, your need for sleep changes. There are numerous misconceptions regarding sleep. One is that adults who are older require less sleep. This is false. Adults over 65 still require the same amount. However, as you get older, your sleep quality may suffer. Additionally, people over the age of 65 are more likely to take medications which may have the side effects of sleep disruption.

School going children should get at least nine hours of sleep each night, while adolescents should get between eight and ten. The majority of adults require at least seven hours of sleep each night.

Some Common Sleep Disorders 

Some conditions make it impossible for many people, no matter how hard they try, to get enough good sleep. Some of the Sleep disorders are as follows:

1. Insomnia:

One of the most common sleep disorder is Insomnia. When you repeatedly have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, you have insomnia. Even though you have time to sleep and a good place to sleep, this still happens. During the day, it can make you feel exhausted or unrested.

Short-term insomnia is when people have trouble sleeping for a few weeks or months where as long duration insomnia may lasts at least three months.

2. Sleep Apnea:

Another common sleep disorder is Sleep Apnea. There is upper airway obstruction that occurs in sleep apnea. People are woken up during the night because this slows or stops the flow of air. The condition may pose a threat. If it is left untreated, it may result in additional health problems.

3. Narcolepsy:

Individuals with Narcolepsy feel intense sleepiness during the day and may fall asleep randomly. The exact cause of the Narcolepsy is unknown.

4. Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS):

People with Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) have urge to move their legs. It happens mostly at night when preparing for sleep or during the sleep. RLS disrupts sleep leading to daytime drowsiness. 

Talk to your doctor if you have trouble sleeping on a regular basis. For several weeks, you may require to keep a sleep diary to track your sleep. your doctor may carry out certain tests, such as sleep studies to find out actual sleep problems.

Many people with insomnia can improve their sleep with cognitive behavioral therapy. Some people can also benefit from medication.

Using a CPAP machine is helpful for many people with sleep apnea. These devices keep the airway open and help improvement in breathing. 

8 Major Health Benefits Of Sleep

The following are just a few of the many advantages that come from getting a good night's sleep.

1. Sleep & Decision-Making Abilities

Sleep Improves Decision Making Abilities
Sleep Improves Decision Making Abilities
Sleep is important for many aspects of how the brain works, including improved memory and performance. Sleep deprivation has a negative impact on performance, productivity, cognition, and concentration

Finally, it has been demonstrated that getting enough sleep improves memory performance and problem-solving abilities in both children and adults. Sleeping well can help you solve problems better and remember things better. Sleep deprivation, on the other hand, has been shown to affect brain function and decision-making abilities.

2. Emotional And Social Well Being

Emotional regulation and social interaction are impaired when you don't get enough sleep.

We have a harder time controlling our emotional outbursts and our actions in front of others when we are tired. We may also be less able to respond to humor and show empathy when we are tired.

Additionally, chronic sleep deprivation increases the likelihood of withdrawing from social activities and experiencing loneliness.

Sleep may be a key factor in strengthening your social network and enhancing your relationships with others.

Don't hesitate to get in touch with a friend, family member, or healthcare professional for support if you struggle with feelings of isolation or emotional outbursts. Check out this list of resources to find out more.

3. Lowers The Risk Of Depression 

The relationship between mental health and sleep has been studied for a long time. According to the review, sleep deprivation may cause cognitive changes that increase the risk of depression. Poor sleep quality and sleeping disorders are strongly associated with mental health issues like depression. Sleep disturbances can also affect emotional regulation and stability and alter neural processes, both of which can cause depression symptoms.

4. Sleep & Obesity

It is unclear whether short sleep patterns and weight gain are linked to obesity. Obesity and poor sleep patterns have been linked in a number of studies over the years. Getting less sleep makes you feel tired more, which can make it harder for someone to exercise or live a healthy life.

Lack of sleep is linked to an increased likelihood of obesity and weight gain. Sleep deprivation may cause you to eat more and have a bigger appetite. You are especially more likely to consume foods high in fat and sugar.

Ghrelin levels rise and leptin levels fall when people don't get enough sleep. Leptin is a hormone that makes us feel full, while ghrelin is a hormone that makes us feel hungry. We might feel more hungry and overeat as a result of this.

This is supported by a number of studies that show that people who don't get enough sleep tend to eat more and have a bigger appetite. To better comprehend the connections between poor sleep and weight gain, additional research is required.

5. Sleep & Insulin Resistance

Short sleep is linked to a higher risk of type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance, or the inability of the body to properly use the hormone insulin. Sleep deprivation is thought to increase diabetes risk through physiological changes like decreased insulin sensitivity, elevated inflammation, and changes in hunger hormones, as well as behavioral changes like poor decision-making and increased food intake. Additionally, sleep deprivation is linked to an increased risk of metabolic syndrome, heart disease, and obesity. 

6. Sleep Can Reduce inflammation 

There is a connection between getting enough sleep and reducing body inflammation. Inflammation in the body can be significantly impacted by inadequate sleep.

Our central nervous system is tightly controlled by sleep. It is particularly involved in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the stress-response systems known as the sympathetic nervous system.

Sleep deprivation, especially when caused by disturbed sleep, is known to trigger inflammatory signaling pathways and raise undesirable inflammation markers like C-reactive protein and interleukin-6.

Many chronic conditions, such as obesity, heart disease, certain types of cancer, Alzheimer's disease, depression, and type 2 diabetes, can develop over time as a result of chronic inflammation.

7. Effect On Immune System 

Sleep aids in body repair, regeneration, and recovery. This relationship is not exclusive to the immune system. Deep sleep, according to some research, is necessary for the body to repair itself and boost the immune system. It is possible to boost your immune system and fight the common cold by getting at least seven hours of sleep. 

However, there is still a need for more research by scientists into the specific mechanisms by which sleep affects the immune system of the body.

8. Impact On Sports Activities 

Adults require between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night, but athletes may require more, according to recent research.
Because the body heals while you sleep, it's important for athletes and people who participate in sports to get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation may reduce the motivation to exercise and increase the risk of injuries. 

A good night's sleep can also help improve overall heart health and reduce the risk of sleep-related conditions like apnea. 

Heart disease and high blood pressure are linked to less than seven hours of sleep per night.


Numerous adverse health effects, including an increased risk of heart disease, depression, weight gain, inflammation, and sickness, are linked to a lack of sleep.

The majority of research indicates that you should get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night for optimal health, although individual requirements vary.

It's time to give sleep the importance it deserves, just as you do with your diet and exercise.

Sleep is necessary for good health. Individual and population-level interventions to address health-related lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, and smoking have received significant funding, but sleep health programs are extremely uncommon. Improved screening for sleep disorders, improved sleep conditions for inpatients and residents of long-term care facilities, improved sleep health through public health and workplace interventions, and expanded sleep health research are all needed to improve public health and safety.

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  1. Thanks so much for this piece. Sleep is so important and we need to counter the damaging messaging that is prevalent in society that you can 'sleep when you're dead'. Keep posting information like this. We need it so much.

  2. Great post and excellent writing. I love how you give a more in depth view on how age affects our sleep and all the problems the lack of sleep can give us.

    I hardly ever make it past 6 hours of sleep. But does a nap in the afternoon count as well?

  3. This is a really informative post about the benefits of sleep. It’s difficult to get a full night’s sleep at the moment with my little one - but I'm sure it won't last forever. Great post - thanks for sharing. Jade MumLifeAndMe

  4. Very informative post. Getting enough sleep is so important and it's definitely something we should prioritize. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Sleep is so important and if we don't get enough good sleep it can really impact our mental health. These tips and ideas are super helpful and a great reminder to take care of ourselves!

  6. Sleep is very important. I wish our society would not push grind culture so much because it really is impacting people's sleep and health.

  7. As if I needed any more encouragement to want to sleep more! I love sleep and definitely don’t feel as well as I should if I don’t get enough of it.

  8. Sleep truly is at the centre of everything, including your mood, physical health and decision making skills the next day. Fantastic post - I am so groggy if I don't get enough sleep x

  9. Sleep is so underrated and often the first sign that something isn't right - you're stressed, ill etc. Thank you for sharing these benefits, I definitely notice the consequences when I do not sleep enough

  10. This was such an interesting read! Getting enough sleep is so important for our mental and physical wellbeing - but I didn’t realise how many other benefits it had, too! I didn’t know it lowered the risk of depression. Thank you so much for sharing x


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