Best Exercises to Relieve Your Neck Pain

Neck Pain

Neck Pain is a common problem in today’s world. There are multiple factors which are responsible for neck pain but poor posture is the most common cause. You can go through my  blog “Causes Of Neck Pain: Discovering Why You Need To Concern” where I have summarized common causes and available management option for Neck Pain. This article is specifically for the stretching and strengthening exercise for neck muscles. A Step-by-step detail is provided here to get most out of them.

Why Stretching is necessary?

Stretching has following benefits: 
  • Decreases muscle spasm
  • Decreases muscle tightness
  • Decreases Pain 
  • Increases range of motion (ROM)
  • Increases flexibility
  • Improves performance in activities of daily living and quality of life 
Quick Tip: Stretching should be slow and in controlled manner. Avoid jerky or ballistic stretch when dealing with neck pain.

Why Strengthening Exercises are necessary? 

  • Increase muscle strength and power
  • Increase joint stability
  • Improve motor control
  • Improve posture
  • Decrease pain in short term
✔✔✔ Lets start with common Neck Stretching and Strengthening exercise!!!

1. Lateral Bending

  • It is same as Lateral neck flexion.
  • It can be performed both in sitting as well as standing position.
Lateral Bending.
Lateral Bending
  • You need to bend your head slowly to bring your left ear toward your left shoulder. 
  • Holding Time: 5 to 10 seconds.
  • You will feel the stretch along the right side of your neck. 
  • Slowly come back to starting neutral position. 
  • Now repeat the stretch on your right side. 
  • Perform at least 2 to 4 repetitions at a time. 

Quick Tip: To get more stretch, you can drop your shoulder and/or apply some pressure by using your hands on head.

2. Stretching of Levator Scapulae Muscle

  • It can be performed in sitting.
  • Move your chin toward your left armpit slightly, making a 45-degree angle.
  • You will feel stretch on the right side of the neck.
  • Slowly come back to starting neutral position. 
  • Now repeat the stretch on your right side. 
  • Perform at least 2 to 4 repetitions at a time. 

3. Forward/Backward Bending

  • These are same as flexion and extension movements of neck.
  • It can be performed both in sitting as well as standing position.
  • Bring your chin toward your chest as much as possible (Forward bending). 
  • You will feel the stretch in the back of your neck. Slowly come back to starting neutral position. 
  • Holding Time: 5 to 10 seconds
  • Now slowly move your head backward as much as possible (Backward bending). 
  • Holding Time: 5 to 10 seconds
  • Stretch will be felt in the front of your neck. Slowly come back to starting neutral position. 
  • Perform at least 2 to 4 repetitions at a time. 

4. Neck Movement

  • It can be performed both in sitting as well as standing position.
  • Turn your head to the left side as much as possible and look over your left shoulder. 
  • Holding Time: 5 to 10 seconds
  • You will feel the stretch along the right side of your neck. 
  • Slowly come back to starting neutral position.
  • Repeat the turn on your right side. 
  • Perform at least 2 to 4 repetitions at a time. 

5. Chin tucks

  • Also called neck retraction and can be performed both in sitting as well as standing position.
  • Place a finger on your chin. This is only for guidance so that the neck remains in neutral position.
  • Pull your chin and head in backward direction, 
  • Caution should be taken not to move your head/neck in downward direction.
  • You will feel the stretch on your neck and your skull base.
  • Holding Time: 5 to 10 seconds. 
  • Rotate your both shoulders simultaneously.
    Shoulder Rotation
    Perform at least 5 to 10 repetitions at a time. 

6. Rotate Your Shoulders

  • It can be performed both in sitting as well as standing position.
  • Put your fingers on your shoulder.
  • Rotate your both shoulders simultaneously.
  • The rotation should be slow and rhythmic.
  • Avoid jerky and fast movements.
  • Perform at least 10 to 20 repetitions at a time. 

7. Isometrics Exercise for Neck Muscles

  • Isometrics exercises are the one where muscles are used to generate force but no movements are allowed to happen.
Isometrics exercises
Isometrics Exercises
  • In isometric exercises for neck same principal is used. You need to create a force to push your head into your hand. However, you need to avoid any head movement. 
  • Isometrics exercises can be done by putting your hands on forehead/ backward/ right side/ left side.
  • Holding Time: 5 to 10 seconds.
  • Perform at least 10 to 20 repetitions at a time. 

8 Shoulder Scapular Squeeze: 

  • It can be performed both in sitting as well as standing position.
  • You can bend your arms at elbows, if you wish. 
  • Bring your shoulder blades together in a manner to squeeze them.
  • Hold Time: 5 to 10 seconds. 
  • Perform at least 5 to 10 repetitions at a time. 

9 Prone Rows: 

  • It needs to be performed in prone position.
  • Lie down on your belly with your arms hanging off the side of the bed. Make an angle so that your head faces the corner of the bed. 
  • You can use a pillow under your belly to make it more comfortable. 
  • Now keeping your elbows bent, pull back your arms bringing your shoulders blades together.
  • Hold for 5-10 seconds and then slowly return to starting position. 
  • Avoid lifting your head up while pulling your arms back. 
  • Perform at least 10 to 15 repetitions at a time. 

Bonus Tip: Use hot packs before stretching and after strengthening exercise. It will decrease muscle tightness and relieve Neck Pain.

Bottom Line

Neck pain and stiffness are very common. Forward neck posture due to long working hours on a computer/mobile/tablet is main causative factor of Neck strain in our digital world. This is referred as excess texting. 

Every one of us may have experienced some neck strain at times. The bad part of the Neck Pain is that it reduces our ability to work. When the pain is severe, we cannot enjoy your leisure time. 

The stretching and strengthening exercises mentioned in this post are educational purpose only. These need to be performed with precautions. It's important to find out the actual causes of neck pain before going for these exercises. 

Unless the main cause of neck pain is treated, the neck pain will not go away or it will recur. Therefore, please take an opinion form doctor/physician/physiotherapist/other healthcare provider. Though exercises are very helpful to improve muscle imbalance and posture however, an expert opinion from qualified healthcare provider is must if your pain is moderate or severe. 

Please do not delay if pain is accompanied by tingling or numbness of hands or arms, sharp shooting pain, or pain after trauma or injury or other predisposing condition.

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  1. Neck pain can be awful, and it's definitely worse since we are all at computers a lot of the day! Will be trying some of these tips to help ease any neck strain I feel! Thank you

  2. Oh my goodness, I've had a crick in my neck for weeks because of how I've been sleeping. It's really affecting my everyday life and making me grumpy. Can't wait to give some of these a try, thank you

  3. Thank you so much for sharing these exercises! I've been experiencing a sore neck for several weeks now and I look forward to trying these stretches and incorporating them into my routine for better posture and strength.

  4. With sitting at desks all day, my neck is really hurting! Hoping these movements help!

  5. This was really helpful as I sometimes get a painful neck; great to try out these exercises!

  6. Awesome post. This was very educational. The pandemic with increased screen time have impacted out physical. Will be using your techniques to help with still neck.

  7. I sometimes get neck stiffness because I am working on a computer, but I followed along with some of the excerises in your post, and they were nice and I can see how they can help if you do have neck pain or stiffness.

  8. Some really useful suggestions here. Neck pain is quite common for me as I'm sat in front of a computer on a regular basis, so these should help. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Great post! Stretching is so important when we spend so much time chained to our desks. Thanks for sharing x

  10. As someone who is constantly in 'Shrimp' mode when she works at her computer, I really needed to read this! Thank you. Will be practicing some of these along side my heat treatments.


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